40 Days of Reflection – Day 39 – The Copper Scrolls

As I mentioned in the previous video Jesus chastised Thomas for his lack of belief. Thomas wanted to see Jesus for himself before he was willing to believe that Jesus resurrected from the dead. That isn’t really faith.

What Jesus wants us to believe without having to see it first or have ‘natural’ facts to prove it to us that He was real.  So I should start by saying I do believe inTN-40DoR-Day39 Jesus and the Bible BUT that being said,  I still love hearing stories of the discoveries by archaeologists and scientists that are proving that stories in the Bible and the life of Jesus did happen, did exist making it harder and harder for  people to continue to argue that the stories in the Bible are myths.

In the book/movie The Case for Christ, Lee Strobel, a journalist who happened to be an atheist, set out to use his journalistic skills to prove that Christianity was all built on a farce. However what he didn’t expect happened, all of his research proved to him that it was all true. It’s a great movie to have a skeptic watch to start a conversation.

More recently I came across something called The Copper Scroll Project. Here is a link to the website and another link to one of two youtube videos about the Project to start you on a journey to check out more ‘facts’ that support info about the treasures of Israel.

The copper scrolls are about 2400 years old and are basically a map for where several prophets hid the treasures of Israel before they fell to Babylon. The scrolls were found in 1952 or so but only in the 2000s did someone actually get the scroll open and translated to realize what information they contained.

Now again I didn’t need to know this info to believe but as a believer I think it’s cool this information is coming to light helping nonbelievers open their eyes and heart to God.

Website   https://www.copperscrollproject.com/

There are also several youtube videos out there to gives some info about the copper scrolls and what they contain. If you like this kind of info, check it out. The part 2 follows it, for some reason I couldn’t copy the link but if you watch part 1 it rolls directly into part 2.

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