#SSSVEDA Day 19 Are you a dream squasher?

After I put up yesterday’s video Lisa (from the channel Lisa’s World) made a comment about Fred Smith and it made me think. Fred Smith was one of the entrepeneurs highlighted in the book I talked about yesterday called Radicals and Visionaries. Fred Smith, in case you didn’t know or didn’t see the video/blog, was the founder of a little company called FEDEx.

When Fred was in college back in the 60s at Yale he did a Econ term paper on a business that would efficiently deliver packages over night in the new Computer world. He got a C. His professor in all his wisdom said it was well thought out but in order to get a better grade than a C, the idea DAY19-Dream Squasherhad to be a feasible business.

Lucky for us Fred didn’t listen  and went on to create FEDEx several years later. It made me think how many times did someone, a parent, a well meaning professor, successfully squash someone’s dream. So my question to you is….are you a dream squasher???



#SSSVEDA Day 18 Get Inspired

Recently a guy named Evan Carmichael who is a motivator for entrepreneurs recommended a book to read titled Radicals and Visionaries: Entrepreneurs Who Revolutionized the 20th Century: by Thaddeus Wawro (I bet he got teased about that last name…cartoon character…the dog on Jetsons maybe??). Anyway the book is an anthology of 70 people who changed the world or something in it. The book was written back in 2000 and on Amazon it cost $150 for a printed copy. But on Audible it was $Day18 - Get Inspired!SSSVEDA Day 18 Get inspired5.00. Being an Audible fan I jumped online and bought it.

It is an inspiring book. Inspiring from the standpoint of hearing so many stories of people from all paths, food, media, fashion, film, technology, shopping, distribution you name it. He gives a brief synopsis of the person, their background, and then their idea which in most cases was ridiculed at the time they presented it, the walls they had to climb and finally thier success. It’s not to say these are the most influential list of people in the 20th century. I think his point in selecting the group was to cover a variety of industries. When you look at any one of the names mentioned and hear their stories you have to shake your head in awe. Some things seem obvious, others not so much.

To give you an idea, here are a few of the names of businesses you might recognize; Dell, Walmart, FedEx, Apple, Hallmark, Ford, Starbucks, Home Depot, Kelloggs, Weight Watchers and Coco Chanel. The book is in alphabetical order and the first story is Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. Their story shows how they turned to a fledgling technology called the television and the rest is history. They were the first to think of taping shows rather than making them live. That way they could run the shows at different times on different coasts and ultimately sell them into syndication. They changed the way things are done today.

In any case I walked away from the book with the wonder that these people, and others like them, saw an opportunity or need out there and decided to do something about it. The idea was there for anyone to see and perhaps others did see it, but they didn’t act upon their idea, or if they came upon a wall they didn’t push through. These people didn’t have money, many didn’t go to college, they had a dream, a vision and the where with all to push through until they achieved it. It should be a must for young people to read. It might open their eyes to the possibilities around us. Who can imagine what else can change. Yet again I’m sure our parents and our grandparents never dreamed of things we take for granted today.

SSSVEDA Day 16 Let go of regrets and Fly!

Often we, myself included, hang on to things in the past we can’t change, things we said, decisions we made, or even things we didn’t do or say. The thing is the past is over. It’s gone. If there is something you did or said that you regret and you CAN change, then by all means change it. If it’s an apology you need to give, or a call you need to make and you still can, then go for it. But often we dwell on things we can’t change. In these cases you need to learn from what you did/did not do and move on. If you can’t change it you need to let it go. if you don’t it will be like weights tied around your ankles holding you down. No one benefits if you sit and dwell on the past.


So the message for today is simple…let go of your regrets and let yourself fly. You and the world will be a better place. DAY16-Lets-Fly

#SSSVEDA Day 15 Do Something New

It was pouring again today, which is unusual in Texas in August, and I decided to go out into the rain. I hadn’t done that in years and I felt like doing something different to jolt me out of my rut. Didn’t turn out quite like I planned. But it’s a start. I encourage you to do something new today. It’s surprising how it can jump start you. Who knows it can be the beginning of a whole new world!
DAY15-Singing in the rain

#SSSVEDA DAY 10 My Wild “Hare”…

Now I was prepared for some things with aging but didn’t expect this!

My mom and I never talked about aging…come to think of it I didn’t talk to anyone about aging. Of course I saw articles about it periodically. I had an “idea” what to expect in menopause. I’ve “heard tell” people saying things like, “forgive her. she’s going through the change”. But not until I’m in it through it and on the other side do I really see all the ramifications.


#SSSVEDA DAY 10 Wild Hare

The latest one hit me in the face this morning when I felt a tug on my cheek while curling my eyelashes (I only started doing that again after years of ignoring my lashes). Come to find out I had a hair growing out of my cheek that was long enough to get caught in my eyelash curler…no lie. Now this was disheartening. Where did that little sucker come from?  Anyway I thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone else has had this eye opening experience.


#SSSVEDA DAY 9 – No meat…say what?

DAY9-no meatNow I am totally confused. I recently had an appointment with a fitness trainer at the YMCA (yes I am starting to work out…wonders never cease). We got talking about my diet and she suggested I check out a couple of sources. One was a movie called “Forks before Knives” and the other is a talk/book called “How not to Die”. Silly me I did what she suggested and as I said in the video…it rocked my world.

So check them out for yourself. Watch them with an open mind and make your own decision. It’s like the old saying says “you can’t unring the bell”. Though I don’t like the implication of the movie/talk/book, I can’t ignore it. But to make the change is hard. I look at my refrigerator, or how I think of meal planning and nothing fits…I mean nothing. Yet I think I might be giving it a try for a couple of weeks. Dr. Greger says in the video people were seeing dramatic differences, even getting off some of their meds, in as little as 2 weeks on the diet. So I’ve decided to give it a few weeks, though admittedly I’ve already cheated some. It is so dang counter intuitive. All I can say is check back with me in six months and see where I go with it. Luckily if I start now I might be accustomed to it (or have given it up) by Thanksgiving since I can’t imagine Thanksgiving without a turkey, which according to this eating program is a no-no.  It’s really hard to turn around 60+ years of thinking (and eating) one way only to find out it’s not the best for me….dang life is tough.

“How not to die” there are a few variations where Dr. Michael Greger  gives his talk to groups. Here’s one on YouTube where he is giving it to the people at Google  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rNY7xKyGCQ  There is also a book by the same title. It’s pretty thick and I haven’t yet started it, but half of it is the references and studies he used to back up his claims. So you numbers folks can have a field day.

The other movie I mentioned is called “Forks over Knives” I found it on Netflix, trust me it’s enlightening.  If you are intrigued at all, two websites that are extremely helpful you might want to check out are: http://plantricianproject.org and http://nutritionfacts.org

And if you have any spare time on your hands…head over to Youtube and check out my new channel. It’s called Find Your Purple, it’s mainly for women over 60 who are looking for ways to feel better, look better and live life more fully no matter their age….hey and bring your friends.  Until the next time…Thanks for stopping by.

#SSSVEDA Day 8 – My Quirks

Hello again, This blog is a continuation of yesterday. When one of my daughters saw the “About me” video she pointed out that I didn’t mention my…quirks… I suppose that’s true. So I committed to coming clean. I’m sure there are a lot more than the ones I’ve mentioned on this video but hopefully this is enough to give you a more rounded view of me. Besides I think quirks are a good thing…right. You have a few yourself don’t you?  Please say you do….Day8 - quirks

#SSSVEDA Day 7 – A little about me…

Hi there,  Today is Day 7 in SSSVEDA so I thought it was time to tell you a little bit about me. This was recommended for folks doing the challenge (posting a video every day for the month of August) but I decided I’d wait. Now that we are a week in, one fourth of the way done I might add, I thought it was time. So here is my life story in a 2 minute nutshell. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you tomorrow!



#SSSVEDA Day 6 – Are you following your true North?

Hi there,  today is Day 6 in the SSSVEDA Challenge which is vlog every day for the entire monthDAY6 of August. I decided to take the challenge in an effort to break out of my shell so to speak. I’ve known about social media of course for years, but I never got on the band wagon so to speak. This challenge combines the YouTube Platform, blogging, facebook and twitter to help be begin to understand how all of it works.

My videos do allow (or force depending on which way you look at it) me to share my thoughts for the day. So we’re on Day 6 and I decided to write about my navigator. Don’t get me wrong…I love my navigator. It makes life easier BUT like what happened with the cell phone I tend to rely on it too much and forget/or don’t learn the basics. With the advent of the speed dial feature I don’t remember 3 of my 4 daughters cell numbers. The only reason I know Ashley’s is because since she is a realtor as well I am asked for her number often. Even their addresses are not something I remember. I remember the day when I could rattle off the phone numbers of tons of friends…I am not sure I know more than 2 or 3 now.  So Anyway I thought I would remind us that all of the daily conveniences don’t or shouldn’t lull us into abdicating all of our decisions.

Have a great day and see you tomorrow!