40 Days of Reflection – Day 41 – Palm Sunday

So this is Day 41 of my 40 Days of Reflection. I decided stopping the videos on Easter Week didn’t seem right. This is the most TN-40DoR-Day41important week of the Christian calendar so it only seems fitting that I finish out my Days of Reflection on Easter Sunday.

It wasn’t until I finished my first read through of the Bible in 2017 and was baptized that I began looking at Easter Sunday differently. Up to that point it really was more of a secular holiday really. I of course knew what Easter represented but somehow it all didn’t seem real. Maybe it was that I couldn’t wrap my head around that kind of love.

However after reading the Bible a couple of times (and continuing) and studying the Word and to be honest reading a fictionalized series based on the Bible called “The Jerusalem Chronicles” series by Bodie Thoene, that Jesus and the disciples began to become real people to me. They were no longer characters in a book. They became real flesh and blood people. People who existed, who loved and were loved by family and friends. People who had feelings, felt pain, loved family and friends etc. That was a huge ah hah and a turning point in my understanding of the Bible. I began to look at the Bible and the Holy Trinity differently.

So today is Palm Sunday, the day Jesus road the donkey down the streets to people praising him as their king. Yet He knew what was going to be happening in a few short days. How awful must that have been for him. Yet he did it because he loved us…me…he knew he had to go forward with the crucifixion in order to finish the Old Covenant and create the new. No longer would the animal sacrifices have to be carried out to cover sins, now his ultimate sacrifice would wipe out the sins for good. It was a whole new beginning for all of us.

So this week is truly a time of reflection, of worship and of gratitude. I still have a ways to go to wrap my head around that kind of love but I know which each passing year my faith deepens.

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